Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Sunshine on a Cloudy Day.

Happiness Is...

So I've really been thinking a lot about happiness lately. More than usual and it just so happens I saw this on V's blog, Stars & Chillies and so I went to pastor-girl's blog and i thought it was a cool idea to do, so these are somethings that make me happy:)
Jackie In The Box
-Dancing. I love it. Its definitely my passion, if its in the studio or jammin' out in my red Camry, I love to dance and it just makes me happy on the inside:)
-Church. It just makes me so happy when I go to church, like it really truly does put me in a better mood.

Peace out Girl Scout.


  1. I love dancing and church too...both are amazing.

    Thanks for participating :)

  2. Happiness ♥
    I love to dance too... I'll put on music and dance around in my room, it makes me happy :)
